Multi-axis CNC linkage and complex geometric shape processing

The evolution from traditional three-axis processing to the now widely used multi-axis CNC processing technology. The emergence of multi-axis CNC machine tools, especially five-axis machine tools, has greatly expanded the possibilities of processing, making the previously difficult to achieve complex geometric shapes and curved surface processing more feasible. However, behind all this are both advantages and challenges.

The basic concept of multi-axis CNC processing

In traditional three-axis CNC processing, the tool can only move along the three axes of X, Y, and Z. Although this processing method can meet the needs of most simple parts, it is often unable to cope with complex geometric shapes and curved surfaces. At this time, multi-axis linkage technology came into being.

Multi-axis CNC processing usually includes four-axis and five-axis processing. Four-axis processing adds a rotation axis (usually the A axis that rotates around the X-axis or Y-axis) to the three-axis, while five-axis processing adds two rotation axes (usually the A axis and the C axis). This multi-degree-of-freedom movement allows the tool to approach the workpiece from more angles, greatly improving the ability to process complex shapes.

Advantages of multi-axis CNC machine tools in complex geometric shapes and curved surface processing

1.Complete multi-faceted processing in one clamping

In multi-axis CNC processing, the workpiece can complete the processing of multiple faces in one clamping process, which significantly reduces the time of repeated clamping and avoids positioning errors caused by multiple clamping. This is especially important for the processing of high-precision parts, because each re-clamping may cause a slight offset, which in turn affects the processing accuracy.

2.Improve processing accuracy

Multi-axis CNC machine tools allow the tool to cut the workpiece from the optimal angle, reducing the complexity of the tool path and the cutting load of the tool, thereby improving the processing accuracy. When processing complex geometric shapes and curved surfaces, five-axis machine tools are particularly effective because they can realize dynamic adjustment of the tool, maintain the best cutting state, and avoid overcutting or undercutting.

3.Shorten the processing cycle

Because it can complete more faces and more complex processing at one time, multi-axis CNC machine tools greatly shorten the processing cycle. This not only improves production efficiency, but also reduces production costs, making multi-axis CNC processing particularly outstanding in mass production.

4.Adapt to the processing needs of complex surfaces

Complex surface design is becoming more and more common in modern industrial products, such as aerospace devices, medical equipment, automotive parts and other fields. Multi-axis CNC machine tools can realize the continuous movement of the tool in space, perfectly adapt to the processing needs of these complex surfaces, and ensure the smoothness and precision of the workpiece.

5.Reduce tool wear

In three-axis machining, the machining of certain parts may require the tool to change direction drastically, which not only increases the wear of the tool, but also may cause uneven surface roughness. Multi-axis machining can evenly distribute cutting forces, reduce tool wear and extend tool life by optimizing the cutting angle and path of the tool.

Challenges in the application of multi-axis CNC machine tools

Although multi-axis CNC machine tools have shown many advantages in the processing of complex geometries and surfaces, it also brings corresponding challenges, especially in programming, operation and maintenance.

1.Complex programming

Compared with three-axis CNC, the programming of multi-axis CNC is more complex. Multi-axis linkage requires programmers to have higher skills and be able to accurately control the path and angle of the tool to avoid interference or collision during the processing process. To meet this challenge, advanced CAM software and virtual simulation tools have become a must-have, but this also means that companies need to invest more in software and personnel training.

2.High cost of equipment

The cost of multi-axis CNC machine tools is much higher than that of traditional three-axis machine tools. In addition to the expensive equipment itself, special fixtures, tools and maintenance equipment are also required. This makes the initial investment of multi-axis CNC machining large, and its economy can usually only be reflected in the machining of high value-added or complex parts.

3.Complex operation and maintenance

Multi-axis CNC machine tools not only require operators to have superb operating skills, but also require regular maintenance to ensure their normal operation. Due to its complex structure, once a failure occurs, the difficulty and cost of maintenance are also high. In addition, multi-axis CNC machining has more stringent requirements on the machining environment, such as a more stable power supply and more precise temperature control.

4.Accurate control of tool path

Multi-axis linkage machining has extremely high requirements for the control of tool paths, and any slight error may lead to machining failure. This requires operators to have not only a solid theoretical foundation, but also rich practical experience. During the machining process, the operator needs to monitor the status and path of the tool at all times to ensure machining accuracy and surface quality.

5.Solving interference problems

Due to the complex movement of multi-axis CNC machine tools, interference problems may occur between tools, fixtures and workpieces. This interference will not only lead to machining failures, but may also damage the machine tool or workpiece. To solve this problem, operators need to perform detailed planning and simulation when programming and setting fixtures to avoid any potential interference risks.

Application areas of multi-axis CNC machine tools

Multi-axis CNC machine tools have been widely used in multiple industries, especially in machining tasks that require high precision and complex shapes.

1.Aerospace industry

Aerospace devices usually have complex surfaces and structures, requiring extremely high machining accuracy and consistency. Multi-axis CNC machine tools can efficiently and accurately process these complex parts to meet the stringent requirements of the aerospace industry.

2.Automobile manufacturing

The shapes of automotive parts are becoming increasingly complex, especially key parts in engines and transmission systems. Multi-axis CNC machine tools can complete the machining of these complex parts in one clamping, ensuring the consistency and high quality of the parts.

3.Medical equipment

Medical equipment and instruments often require processing of complex shapes and surfaces, such as prostheses, implants, etc. Multi-axis CNC machines can accurately process these parts to ensure that they meet strict medical standards.

4.Mold manufacturing

Mold manufacturing is an important area of ​​application for multi-axis CNC machine tools. Complex molds usually contain various surfaces and cavities, and only multi-axis CNC machines can efficiently complete these processing tasks.

5.Energy industry

In the energy industry, such as wind turbines, oil drilling equipment, etc., the processing of large and complex parts requires the support of multi-axis CNC machines. These parts usually have complex geometries and high precision requirements.

Future development trend of multi-axis CNC machine tools

Looking to the future, multi-axis CNC machine tools will continue to develop in the direction of intelligence, automation and efficiency.

1.Intelligence and automation

With the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, multi-axis CNC machine tools will become more and more intelligent. Intelligent algorithms can help optimize tool paths, predict tool wear, and automatically adjust processing parameters. This will greatly reduce the burden on operators and improve processing efficiency and quality.

2.Human-machine collaboration

In the future, multi-axis CNC machine tools will pay more attention to collaboration with operators, helping operators better manage complex processing tasks through human-machine interface optimization and intelligent assistants.

3.Virtual simulation and digital twin

Virtual simulation technology will become more popular, helping operators to foresee possible problems and solve them before actual processing. Digital twin technology will also develop further, allowing real-time monitoring and optimization of machine tools and processing processes.

4.Environmental protection and sustainable development

In the context of sustainable development, multi-axis CNC machine tools will develop in a more efficient and environmentally friendly direction. Reducing energy consumption, improving material utilization, and reducing emissions will become the focus of future development.

5.Personalized customized production

As the market demand for personalized products increases, multi-axis CNC machine tools will play a greater role in small-batch, multi-variety production. Its high flexibility and precision make personalized production possible.


Multi-axis CNC machine tools, with their powerful processing capabilities and flexibility, bring new possibilities for complex geometric shapes and curved surface processing. However, with the development of technology, its application also faces a series of challenges. As a member of the CNC field, we must not only master existing technologies, but also continue to learn and adapt to new tools and methods. Through continuous innovation and optimization, multi-axis